wish u all,
Sep 16, 2009
:::::hEpy eiD::::::
wish u all,
Sep 15, 2009
Definition of Lailatul Qadar
The term Lailatul Qadar is made of two words. In Arabic, Lailat means night and Qadr means honour and dignity. Therefore, the term Lailatul Qadr refers to the night of honour and dignity. It is this night in which the first Divine Revelation came to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, when he was in meditation and prayer in the Cave of Hira’. Since this night enjoys the honour of having the first revelation brought to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, it has been named Lailatul Qadr.
This is one of the holiest and most blessed nights, which is likely to occur on one of the odd nights on the last ten days of Ramadhaan, most likely to be the 27th. The reward of worship on this night is better than the worship of a thousand months of worship, equivalent to a person’s lifetime. So, on this night one should perform the night prayers, recite the Qura’n, do tasbih, zikr and du’as as much as possible.
This night had already opened its gates of treasures when the angel for the first time had come with the Divine Message in the cave of Hira, but its auspiciousness has continued to be with us permanently. Every year in the month of Ramadhaan, this night is given to the Ummah. Muslims engage in prayers, recitation of Qur’an and praying to Allah. As the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam was reported to have said:
“The person who offered prayers to Allah in the night of Dignity with faith and with hope of reward from Allah, all his past sins have been forgiven.” (reported by Bukhari)
In the Hadith, we have been asked to seek it in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadhaan. A’ishah radhiyallahu anhaa narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallalahu alayhi wasallam has said:
“Seek the night of Dignity in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadhan.” (reported by Bukhari)
By odd nights, the reference is made to the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th night of the month of Ramadhaan. No one night has been fixed so that the yearning to find it may increase and people may spend more nights in worshiping Allah. From this aspect, the importance of `Itikaaf (seclusion) during the last ten days of Ramadhaan is clear.
~~penyakit 'M' ku...~~

huhu...'M' stand for M-A-L-A-S!!!!
apela nk jadi ngn ak ni kn..
makin lame makin MALAS plak jadinye..
adekah ini disbbkn oleh faktor umurku???jeng..jeng..jeng...
ataw disebbkn HARI RAYE yg da semakin hampir???
pg td,ak x g klas ME,mule2 ak MALAS nk g...
tp ttbe bile d pk2 yg ak ni dahla xberape bijak dlm subjek ni..
yg ak lmbt dapta plak tuh..msuk2 klas da chpter 4??
how come dear...?ak pon wt kptsn nk g..
tp,tibe2 perutku memulas2 mcm angin yg penuh kat dlm 2,mintk dikeluarkan..
huh?? tros xjd nk g klas...tkot kang len plak jadinye..
kirenye MALAS la gak tuh..
ak pon bgon lalu menyiapkn kerja2 terakhirku b4 cuti raye nti..
sedang ak search bahan2nye,mateku rase sgt mngantok..
mulut plak,pantang...mulelah nk menguap..
mulelah hati berdetik..alah..MALAS la nk wat!!
ape lg,shut down laptop..tros...
sedor2 dkt kol 11 upenye...tkjot den dibuatnye...
ak pon tros brsiap sedia tok g klas kedua tok arini..CB..
dgn pnuh lemah longlai di bln pose ni,ak g gak ngn si FATIMAH..
bwk kete mcm ape,slow giler..xtawu la nape MALAS sgt arini..
then,balik je dr klas ak tros g ke kedai komputer tok amek balik laptop ak ni..
ye sakit..ak pon g la bwk ye g check..tup tap...melayang RM60...
redha jela..demi kesihatan laptopku..hihii..
pastu,MALAS nk pk bnyak,tros balik uma..
dok dpn laptop ni..gode2 pe yg patot..
ni jelah cerita penyakit 'M' ak...
apepon kwn2 tulun la menasihati diriku ini...
mengapelah bisa jadi begini??
i need ur help!!!!
aina batrisyia (*o*)

aiNa bAtrisYia bt mOhd aSriL
tanggal 24 oktober 2009 ni,
genaplah umur si gadis kecil molek ni 2 tahun..
pejam celik,pejam celik..da besor da ank buah ak yg sorg nih..
kejap je ye mmbesor...
pernah dulu skali ak jage ye time umur ye 4bln lbey..
xde org kt umah..mak n ayah ye kje..
mak ak,(nenek ye)pon kje..
fuhh!!! dasat gak cobaannye..
1st time kot jage bibi yg masih lembik bdn ye..
mandikn ye..pkaikn baju..cuci ***** ye...
mule2 seram gak,tp ak kne brani gak..
kne plak,ak mmg suke budak2..
hah..time ni lah aunty ye kne tunjuk bakat..
tp kn,kne plak time tu ye punye mood ok..
pas mndi,kasi susu,tros tdo...
if ye trjage pon,jap je ak ley tdokn ye smule..
hebat gak ak nih??huhu..
smpailah mak n ayah ye blek..
ak da siap mndikn ptg taw..
betape sygnye ak kt dak comel ni ALLAH saje yg tahu..
sanggup ak bg ape saje kehendaknye skrg ni..
oleh krn ak ni xde adk pompan...
ak mmg sgt2 suke n tahan ngn kerenah ye..hihi..
dats y la,smpai skrg ni,ak xpena lupe kt ye..
da pndai jln,bckap pelat2...wat ak trgelak je..
seronok sgt bile ngn ye..
bile ak jauh ngn ye,ak trsgt2 rindukn ye..
Sep 14, 2009
How to improve your self confidence in a relationship
To improve your self-confidence in a relationship you first need to isolate the self-defeating chatter that goes on in your head. We all have this chatter, even the most self-confident people do. Our confidence in ourselves wavers from moment to moment depending on our interactions with family, friends, co-workers, and our overall success. Some days we may feel more self-confident than others, and this is normal. What is not normal is to continually feel badly about you.
Listen as you go about your day and really think about what you tell yourself about your inability to please your mate, or your lack of communication skills in your relationship, or whatever it may be. When you find these phrases, and you will, counter them with something you know proves the negative phrase wrong. Even if there is only one instance, have your rebuttal ready. Sooner or later, you’ll start you’ll start to believe all the good things are true! And, they are. Your mate will really appreciate the renewed sense of self.
Once you’ve begun to defy the negative commentary you really need to nurture yourself. Celebrate your up and coming confidence, you ability to love, communicate, and give to the person you love. Self-nurturing is important, so indulge in something you like to do and push yourself to do better, reach higher, and be more confident in all ways. Nurturing yourself will help you feel like you have the right to be in a good relationship, to be treated well, and to be appreciated for treating others well.
Don’t fall into old routines. Once you let your guard down, those old negative comments will come flooding back in. Always stand ready to defeat that commentary with a good thought. Self-confidence is important and your attempts at bettering yourself shouldn’t fall to the side. It takes self-confidence to ask for what you want in a relationship and you don’t want to get to the point where you can’t get what you want because you’re afraid to ask. You don’t want to be stuck in a dead end relationship because you don’t have the confidence.
You deserve a kind, loving, beautiful relationship. Self-confidence is key to a wonderful relationship. It’s the bottom line for believing you deserve to be in such a relationship, and then taking the appropriate steps to make it happen. No one deserves to be unhappy, and if you’re suffering from low self-esteem, it’s in your hands. Talk yourself out of that troubled relationship! It really is as easy as that!
As your self-confidence improves you will actually learn to ask for what you want, and that will make you, and your mate or potential love interest much happier in the long run! Go out there and get what you’ve been dreaming of!
Sep 2, 2009
~~kaTa waNita iniLaH LelaKi~~
Jika kamu berpakaian cntik, ye pk kamu sdang cuba utk m’godanya. Jika x, ye akn kate kamu out-of-date!
Jika kamu mlayaninye dgn bek, ye pk kamu jatuh cinte pdanye. Jika x, kamu akn dikatanya sombong.
Jika kamu b’debat dgnnye, ye kate kamu keras kpale. Jika kamu ttp diam, ye akn kate kamu xpunye otak.
Jika kamu lebih bijak daripadanye, ye akn khilangan muke. Jika ye yg lbih bijak, ye akn kate ye yg paling hebat.
Jika kamu x cinte padanye, ye akn cube m’dptkn kamu. Jika kamu mcintainye, ye akn cube utk tgglknnmu.
Jika kamu gtaw ye mslah kamu, katenye kamu mnyushkn. Jika x, ye akn kate kamu xprcyainye.
Jika kamu cerewet pd ye, katenye kamu spt se1 pngasuh bgnya. Jika ye yg crewet pd kamu, katenye 2 sb ye prihatin.
Jika kamu mlggr janji kamu, katenye kamu xleh dpercya. Jika ye yg ingkari janjinye, ye kate ye mlakukannye krn trpkse.
Jika kamu mrokok, katenye kamu adlah gadis liar! Tp klu ye yg mrokok, katenye ye adlh se1 GENTLEMAN. wahhhhh sengalnye…
Jika kamu m’nyakitinye, katenye kamu prempuan kejam. Tp jika ye yg sakiti kamu, katenye kamu trlalu sensitif & trlalu sulit utk dbhagiakn.
kawan BUKAN lawan
semasa berborak, satu topik timbul:
a: kau rase kita kawan sampai bila?
b: sampai mati!
a: kenapa kau ckp mcm tu?
b: sbb aku syg kau!
a: kau rase jarak mase kite berkwn berapa lama?
b: 5minit lg!
si 'a' terdiam lalu bertanya lagi:
a: apa yg kau ckp ni?5minit?kata smpai kita mati?
lalu si b hanya tersenyum.
slps 5 minit,
si 'a' yg melintas hampir-hampir dilanggar kereta tetapi diselamatkn oleh si 'b'.
benar kata orang tua-tua,bila hayat hampir tamat,kita dapat rasakannya.
lalu si 'b' berkata:
b: aku tepati janji aku.aku berkwn dgn kau sampai aku mati.lalu tersenyum gembira.
si 'a' hanya mampu menangis